
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Mistletoe Smoochy

I'm sure you've heard about the Gnomish tradition of the Christmas mistletoe. It has been so popular that you can find it in other cultures throughout the garden. If two gnomes find themselves under the mistletoe, then they are overwhelmed with the urge to give each other a little (or a big) smoochy. It works like a charm, as everygnome knows there's a lot of love in the garden, but leave it up to this bright little gnomette to take the mistletoe even further. The way she figures it, if the magic works at Christmas time, why wouldn't it work other times of the year? And with Valentine's Day coming up, she wants to increase her chances of finding her love in time for the big day. Personally I think she'll find her love in gno time, magic or gnot!


  1. Oh my goodness this is about the cutest thing I have ever seen! What a great idea and turned out super sweet!

  2. Thank you. I haven't decided how to find her a home yet (give away or auction, etc).
