
Friday, November 30, 2018

The Smallest Surprsie

Sometimes, when you least expect it, a surprise will come to you and force a smile upon your face. Take this little fella, for example. He was just walking along one day, minding his own business, when he stopped to admire the corner garden patch of white daisies. There was just something about the flowers that seemed to make him smile, but the best part came when he turned to head home and was stopped by the gnome tending to the garden. "Here, take some of the flowers with you and put them in a spot where you will see them often." Wow! What a surprise! The little fella rushes home, with a perfect spot already in mind!

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Worry Whisperer

There is a beautiful soul who is the bravest person I know. She is stronger than her little body may seem and faces everything with such enthusiasm and determination. What's her secret? How does she do it? With all of the challenges she has been given, how does she manage to make it all look so easy? Well that's where this little gnomette comes in. She has been given a very important job to do, but she is so excited! For you see, this gnomette has been assigned to the beautiful girl to rid her of her worries. All the girl has to do is whisper her worries to this tiny gnomette and she wisks them off to a different world, far from this garden. She knows that the girl does not want to burden anyone too much, but this gnomette does not see it as a burden at all. She loves to feel helpful and seeing a calm smile appear on the girl's face will be the best thing she can imagine. She's even looking forward to the opportunity to whisper a little secret or two in return, tiny reminders that life is good. Life is beautiful and so are you.

The Magic of Living

There are many things this little lady loves, like angels, animals, crochet, and yes… flowers. Spend even one moment with this dear soul and you’ll see that she loves more than just that. She lives life itself. You may have heard the Gnomish rules of how to live a good life. Live. Love. Laugh. It’s as simple as that. Those in the Gnomish community are so wise, aren’t they? This spirited soul, though, takes it even one tiny step further. Not only does she truly live, but she dances like gno gnome is watching. She sings like gno gnome is listening. She lives like there will be gno more sunrises. It goes withouts saying that rumors of her lifestyle have spread far and wide. Countless songs and poems have been written about her life philosophy, and it’s gno wonder why. When you live life to the fullest, that’s where the magic really happens. Life? It’s magic.

Friend of the Ladybugs

Like many, this fuzzy little guy is most definitely a ladybug lover, but everygnome knows that ladybugs are particularly choosy when it comes to picking their friends. They only surround themselves with the kindest of souls because it's those who understand how best to appreciate how good life is. So it comes as gno surprise to me that the ladybugs have decided that this fuzzy soul is worth a lot of attention. I do gnot believe there could be anygnome with a bigger heart than he and every ounce of his body is filled with laughter waiting for an excuse to burst out! He adores the ladybugs as much as they do him and so when he thought of a way to do something gnice for them, he couldn't help but hop with excitement to do it! He rushes to find a perfect leaf for his little friends. With such a generous soul as he, it does gnot surprise me in the least that the ladybugs have decided he is special. The garden is certainly lucky to have him in it and I can gnot wait to see what kind act he has in store for us gnext!

Friend of the Ladybugs

Like many, this fuzzy little guy is most definitely a ladybug lover, but everygnome knows that ladybugs are particularly choosy when it comes to picking their friends. They only surround themselves with the kindest of souls because it's those who understand how best to appreciate how good life is. So it comes as gno surprise to me that the ladybugs have decided that this fuzzy soul is worth a lot of attention. I do gnot believe there could be anygnome with a bigger heart than he and every ounce of his body is filled with laughter waiting for an excuse to burst out! He adores the ladybugs as much as they do him and so when he thought of a way to do something gnice for them, he couldn't help but hop with excitement to do it! He rushes to find a perfect leaf for his little friends. With such a generous soul as he, it does gnot surprise me in the least that the ladybugs have decided he is special. The garden is certainly lucky to have him in it and I can gnot wait to see what kind act he has in store for us gnext!

Collecting Buttons

If you're like most, you've probably thrown away a little bit or two, thinking there was gno reason to keep it. After all, what would you do with a scrap of material if it's not big enough to make a full creation? Or why keep a button if it doesn't come with a matching set? This happy-go-lucky soul view things just a bit differently. She's always collecting little bits and ends. She does gnot see them as wasteful parts because she has a unique ability to see the potential they have when combined with other random odds and ends or whatchamacallits. What a creative soul she is for being able to see the potential beauty that others miss, but when it comes to buttons, she takes it even one step further. I do gnot know why she loves buttons so much, but there does gnot gneed to be a reason. They just make her happy! Whenever she finds a spare button, she does a little happy dance and thinks of a loved one. She is gnot sure what she will do with her collection of buttons, but she is certain that it will be great because it will be a special reminder of all the love she has in her life. Each button alone may gnot seem to anything special, but put them together and suddenly they make a work of art! And that's exactly how she feels about the loved ones that surround her. Together, they make her life a work of art! With another little skip and a hop, she adds another button to her masterpiece-in-progress. Life is good!

Beach Comber

This lovely soul has a very important role to play in the gnomish community. She is responsible for tending to the beaches in her little corner of the garden. It's a big job, combing through the sand to make sure it looks just right, not too smooth and not too lumpy. You may be wondering why it's so important to comb through the sand like she does. She's looking for treasures, of course! GNot the kind of treasure you might be thinking of, though. She's gnot looking for gold coins or even shells to sell at the local beach shop. GNo, the real treasures are the ones that can be rescued and tossed back into the sea. If she finds a critter stuck in the sand, unable to but desperately wanting to return to the water, this lady does a little happy dance and quickly jumps at the opportunity to help! There is gno better treasure than to help another in gneed. She loves what she does, and does gnot feel like it's a job at all. After all, the beach is her favorite place, especially on foggy days! As she combs through her little beach, she loves listening to the waves crashing into the cliffs or watching the surfers glide across the water. There is so much power harnessed in the ocean! It brings her peace and solace. She closes her eyes, takes a deep breath of the fresh air and knows this is her happy place.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Keeper of the Stars

This tiny soul has a very big job indeed. When a star is born, he's the one responsible for guiding it into its rightful place in the gnight time sky. It's a very important job because every star gneeds to be able to twinkle as brightly as they did here on earth. As you can imagine, keeping the starry sky organized in such a way that each star has their opportunity to shine down on their loved ones, well it can be quite a difficult task to do. This little fella makes it look easy though. One look up at the twinkling sky deep into the gnight and you'll wonder which star shines the brightest. Chances are when you figure out the answer, you'll know the star is twinkling extra hard for you. I'm thinking someone wants you to remember that you are loved.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Santa's Helper

Eveygnome knows that its the elves who get most of the credit for helping out good ol' St. GNick in his preparations for the Christmas season, but let's not forget to give this tiny soul a little bit of credit too. He has a very big job, even if it's one that often goes un-gnoticed. Sants often gets stressed and overwhelmed by the amount of work he has to do, all for a very strict deadline. There is gno option of slipping the date as the children of the world are gnot exactly known for their ability to understand the concept of a "workload." I wouldn't be surprised if this comes as a shock to you. Santa always seems like such a jolly old soul, but I think that is in large part because this tiny fella does his job so well. He's St. GNick's personal life coach. It's his job to cheer up the wonderfully generous man when he is down. The fact that Santa can always be seen with a smile on his face and a jolly laugh in his tummy means this tiny fella is doing his job well. Without him, Santa's entire reputation would be at stake!

Paw Prints

Have you ever met somegnome with a huge beautiful heart who sees the value in everygnome around her yet gneeds to be reminded of the beauty she has inside? There has gnever been a heart bigger than this beautiful lady, though she may be surprised to know. Her heart is so big that she opens it to everygnome right away, and is full of energy, love and light. She's real and un-apologetically herself yet doesn't realize just how amazing that is. Her soul is fierce - she will fight hard for who she loves and what she believes. She has a soft spot in her heart for animals and is rescuing a set of paws at every chance she gets, even if it leaves paw prints all over her. She is quick to help the wounded but simply forgets to see just how valuable she is, and deserves to be healed herself. Gno doubt the garden is a better place because she is in it, and if there ever was a soul who deserves great things in her life, it would be she. Ask anygnome lucky enough to know her, and they will tell you that she has left her own paw prints on their hearts.

Guardian Angel

I’m sure there have been moments in your life where you have felt challenged beyond your control. Sometimes it may seem that your little body is not strong enough to handle the tough tasks it has been given. That’s where this little gnomette comes in. This tiny little guardian has a very big job! And she loves every moment of it! She flutters around looking for just the right person to help, somegnome who needs a word or two of encouragement. The gnomette has now found a beautiful soul in need of her tiny positive thoughts and she doesn’t hesitate to get to work quickly. She whispers so lightly in her new friend’s ear that she is barely audible, but she knows that’s all it takes for a reminder of the spark for life that still grows strong inside. With these tiny little whisperings of love and hope we are reminded that we are stronger than our bodies may seem. Life is good. Life is beautiful, and with this little lady by your side, that’s an easy thing to remember.

Paw Prints

Have you ever met somegnome with a huge beautiful heart who sees the value in everygnome around her yet gneeds to be reminded of the beauty she has inside? There has gnever been a heart bigger than this beautiful lady, though she may be surprised to know. Her heart is so big that she opens it to everygnome right away, and is full of energy, love and light. She's real and un-apologetically herself yet doesn't realize just how amazing that is. Her soul is fierce - she will fight hard for who she loves and what she believes. She has a soft spot in her heart for animals and is rescuing a set of paws at every chance she gets, even if it leaves paw prints all over her. She is quick to help the wounded but simply forgets to see just how valuable she is, and deserves to be healed herself. Gno doubt the garden is a better place because she is in it, and if there ever was a soul who deserves great things in her life, it would be she. Ask anygnome lucky enough to know her, and they will tell you that she has left her own paw prints on their hearts.

A Good Hat

This little lady knows the secret to having a cheerful day, and to be honest, she could use more and more of those right now. It has been a bit gloomy recently in her corner of the garden. It seems that even though she always tends to her flowers and tries to help other gnomes any way she can, always making the garden a prettier place, things just haven't quite turned out the way she planned. Sometimes it's easy to forget that even if a gnome can envision a perfect little corner in the garden, the flowers may have a mind of their own. With a tiny little sigh, she decides that it is about time to turn this gloom into some sunshine. And with that, she grabs her best hat and goes for a walk in the sun. All it takes to put a smile on your face is a good hat and a warm sunny day. In the very least, it's enough to remind you that though your garden may have not turned out like you had hoped, the flowers have something even better in mind.

Santa's Helper

Eveygnome knows that its the elves who get most of the credit for helping out good ol' St. GNick in his preparations for the Christmas season, but let's not forget to give this tiny soul a little bit of credit too. He has a very big job, even if it's one that often goes un-gnoticed. Sants often gets stressed and overwhelmed by the amount of work he has to do, all for a very strict deadline. There is gno option of slipping the date as the children of the world are gnot exactly known for their ability to understand the concept of a "workload." I wouldn't be surprised if this comes as a shock to you. Santa always seems like such a jolly old soul, but I think that is in large part because this tiny fella does his job so well. He's St. GNick's personal life coach. It's his job to cheer up the wonderfully generous man when he is down. The fact that Santa can always be seen with a smile on his face and a jolly laugh in his tummy means this tiny fella is doing his job well. Without him, Santa's entire reputation would be at stake!

Guardian Angel

I’m sure there have been moments in your life where you have felt challenged beyond your control. Sometimes it may seem that your little body is not strong enough to handle the tough tasks it has been given. That’s where this little gnomette comes in. This tiny little guardian has a very big job! And she loves every moment of it! She flutters around looking for just the right person to help, somegnome who needs a word or two of encouragement. The gnomette has now found a beautiful soul in need of her tiny positive thoughts and she doesn’t hesitate to get to work quickly. She whispers so lightly in her new friend’s ear that she is barely audible, but she knows that’s all it takes for a reminder of the spark for life that still grows strong inside. With these tiny little whisperings of love and hope we are reminded that we are stronger than our bodies may seem. Life is good. Life is beautiful, and with this little lady by your side, that’s an easy thing to remember.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Loved Ones Are Gnear

Oh this is just perfect! There is gnothing more comforting than a crisp spring morning when the blossoms start to pop and the robins come out to play. What a special moment this is! You may wonder why, but those in the Gnomish community know that loved ones are gnear by whenever they see a robin. As every little ounce of this little lady's body starts to fill with warm fuzzies, there is gno doubt that this must be true! It's a great comfort to think her loved ones are looking out for her. With a smile on her face, she turns to look around her. She always sees the good in people and helps where and when she can. With as busy and hard working as she is, it's gno wonder she does so much to help bring a smile to a loved one's face! If you asked her, she'd say this is because she had two gnomazing hard working, generous loved ones in her life, who were always there for her and pushed her to always do her very best. They gnever hesitated to stand by whatever choices she made, and were always ready to give wise words if she started down the wrong direction. They were gnever far away if she gneeded a cuddle! She considers herself to be oh so very lucky to have had them in her life! As for me, I am thankful to have this little lady to continue carrying on the tradition of love and generosity. Gno doubt, the garden is a much better place with souls like her!


The Gnomish have always been known for their grand celebrations, and there has gnever been a better occasion to celebrate than right gnow. You may ask why? Does it matter? Gnot to the gnomes. Ask anygnome and he'll be sure to tell you that it's not the size of the reason that counts, just as long as you have a reason. If a gnome has been working on a particular goal, big or small, for a while gnow and she has finally succeeded? Well that seems like a good cause for celebration if I've ever heard of one! So, congrats little one on your accomplishment. You must be so proud of yourself, and you have very good reason to be! You deserve this tiny celebration and soon enough I'm sure everygnome garden-wide will see that you are so much bigger than the garden may expect you to be.

Warms the Soul

When the season turns frigid like it is sure to do every year, there are certain things that are easy to remember. It's easy to remember to wear your warm winter boots because if you don't, your toes will go gnumb. It's easy to remember to eat warm bowls of soup because it fills your tummy with good feelings. It's easy to remember to appreciate the sparkling diamonds in the freshly fallen snow when you're sitting inside gnext to a warm crackling fire. If there is one thing that is gnot easy to remember, it's telling your friends how much you appreciate them. And with that, let me take a moment to tell you what you surely don't hear often enough. Your friendship warms the soul and I'm so thankful for it.

Winter Blossoms

I know what you're thinking. It's the middle of winter and therefore it's time for all the flowers in the garden to take their annual rest and be quiet. It would be pointless to remind this lady of the rules, though, because she is of the mindset that there is no reason to limit the possibilities with each season. So she hops and skips through her little garden, encouraging the plants around her to be joyful and blossom whenever and however they want to do so. Some plants prefer to stay sleepy, while others appreciate her encouragement. No matter what each plant's decision is, it's fine by her, as long as they are happy and bring joy to those around them! Certainly, winters in the garden tend to be less bright and less bold than some of the other seasons, but with her words of acceptance and reassurance, every plant in her corner of the garden feels confident enough to blossom whenever they want. Without a doubt, the garden is a happier place with her in it, and it could use more encouraging souls like her.

Warms the Heart

If there is one thing all the gnomes in the garden have in common, it's that they all love to feel warm and fuzzy on the inside. What better season to do so than winter? The winter season gives the gnomes lots of excuses to find things to keep them cozy. Hot coffee, a good book, a gnice chenille blanket all cuddled up on the couch with loved ones... these are all things that help make a gnome feel warm and loved. Soup, apple crumble and other stodgey foods fill the garden with yummy scents that force a smile onto a gnome's face, let alone keeps their tummies toasty. Even the simple things like a good gnap or fuzzy slippers play a part in keeping warm when the weather is so cold. Most of all, it's a cup of hot cocoa (and whipped cream of course) or coffee with a good friend like you that warms the heart on a cold winter day.

All the Small Things

If there is one thing everygnome understands, it's that the physics of karma work like this: small acts of kindness lead to great rewards. Don't ask me to explain how, but if you just take a moment to watch this little lady, it won't be long before it all makes sense. It seems that everywhere she turns, she is coming up with new ways to bring a smile to somegnome's face. And by the way she helps those who are less fortunate, it's obvious that this little gnomette is rich on life. She just radiates happiness and I can't help but believe that it must be contagious. Those whose lives she has touched know that they were blessed by her kindness. As for me, I know she makes the garden all the more vibrant. Thank you, little lady. Thank you for all the small things you do.

Jingle Bells

Gnognome celebrates the holiday season as well as those in the gnome community. Their celebrations may be itty bitty by most standards, but gnomes understand that it's not the size of the decorations that matters the most, it's the size of the cheer! They know that as long as they are warm and cozy (a good snuggle or hot thimble of cocoa often helps), then everything else falls into place! The mistletoe and holly decorate the garden, but it's being with loved ones that really fills each gnome with a warm and fuzzy feeling. And you know they LOVE warm and fuzzy! The moment that everygnome looks forward to with the most anticipation is midnight, when each and every gnome carries his bell to join in the annual performance of Jingle Bells! It's such a glorious sound (not to mention a wondrous sight), I can't imagine a better way to bring in the holiday cheer.

Guardian Angel

I’m sure there have been moments in your life where you have felt challenged beyond your control. Sometimes it may seem that your little body is not strong enough to handle the tough tasks it has been given. That’s where this little gnomette comes in. This tiny little guardian has a very big job! And she loves every moment of it! She flutters around looking for just the right person to help, somegnome who needs a word or two of encouragement. The gnomette has now found a beautiful soul in need of her tiny positive thoughts and she doesn’t hesitate to get to work quickly. She whispers so lightly in her new friend’s ear that she is barely audible, but she knows that’s all it takes for a reminder of the spark for life that still grows strong inside. With these tiny little whisperings of love and hope we are reminded that we are stronger than our bodies may seem. Life is good. Life is beautiful, and with this little lady by your side, that’s an easy thing to remember.

Winds of Change

Shhh... Listen. Do you hear the winds of change? I do, and believe me I understand why you might be frightened. After oh so many seasons of making your garden just so, you must now feel like your life is a crumbled mess! Gnot knowing what to believe, there will be a lot of soul searching ahead. Perhaps that's what this little lady is here to help with. She wants to remind you that's what life is always about - soul searching. She makes it seem so simple. Re-examine all that you have been told... dismiss what insults your soul. I'm sure it won't be easy, but this little lady will stay by your side to whisper tiny reminders of encouragement. You are strong. You are brave. You are a special soul. May the winds of change bring you happiness you were not expecting...

"Re-examine all that you have been told... Dismiss what insults your soul."
- Walt Whitman

Jingle Bells

Gnognome celebrates the holiday season as well as those in the gnome community. Their celebrations may be itty bitty by most standards, but gnomes understand that it's not the size of the decorations that matters the most, it's the size of the cheer! They know that as long as they are warm and cozy (a good snuggle or hot thimble of cocoa often helps), then everything else falls into place! The mistletoe and holly decorate the garden, but it's being with loved ones that really fills each gnome with a warm and fuzzy feeling. And you know they LOVE warm and fuzzy! The moment that everygnome looks forward to with the most anticipation is midnight, when each and every gnome carries his bell to join in the annual performance of Jingle Bells! It's such a glorious sound (not to mention a wondrous sight), I can't imagine a better way to bring in the holiday cheer.

Winds of Change

Shhh... Listen. Do you hear the winds of change? I do, and believe me I understand why you might be frightened. After oh so many seasons of making your garden just so, you must now feel like your life is a crumbled mess! Gnot knowing what to believe, there will be a lot of soul searching ahead. Perhaps that's what this little lady is here to help with. She wants to remind you that's what life is always about - soul searching. She makes it seem so simple. Re-examine all that you have been told... dismiss what insults your soul. I'm sure it won't be easy, but this little lady will stay by your side to whisper tiny reminders of encouragement. You are strong. You are brave. You are a special soul. May the winds of change bring you happiness you were not expecting...

"Re-examine all that you have been told... Dismiss what insults your soul."
- Walt Whitman

Paw Prints

Have you ever met somegnome with a huge beautiful heart who sees the value in everygnome around her yet gneeds to be reminded of the beauty she has inside? There has gnever been a heart bigger than this beautiful lady, though she may be surprised to know. Her heart is so big that she opens it to everygnome right away, and is full of energy, love and light. She's real and un-apologetically herself yet doesn't realize just how amazing that is. Her soul is fierce - she will fight hard for who she loves and what she believes. She has a soft spot in her heart for animals and is rescuing a set of paws at every chance she gets, even if it leaves paw prints all over her. She is quick to help the wounded but simply forgets to see just how valuable she is, and deserves to be healed herself. Gno doubt the garden is a better place because she is in it, and if there ever was a soul who deserves great things in her life, it would be she. Ask anygnome lucky enough to know her, and they will tell you that she has left her own paw prints on their hearts.

Book Worm

Most gnomes live in the garden, each in their tiny little cozy gnooks. Be it in under a mushroom, or in a hollow log, everygnome allows one thing to guide them to finding the location of their home - their gnose. You might have gnoticed by gnow, but everygnome has a big gnose, and for very good reason. The sense of smell is most important to gnomekind. Think about it... the reason most gnomes live in the garden is the variety of smells the outdoors offer. Some like the smell of the moist ground after a rainfall most of all. Some like the smell of the flowers in the garden, while other like the smell of freshly cut grass the best. Gnot this little fella. As luck would have it, he once stumbled into a grand old library and his gnose instantly told him he was home. Oh the smell of grand old books! There was gnothing like it in the entire garden! Gnever before had he felt so cozy, for as you may know, where ever you may find a happy gnose, you will also find a cozy gnome. What about you? What scent tells your gnose that you are home?

Book Worm

Most gnomes live in the garden, each in their tiny little cozy gnooks. Be it in under a mushroom, or in a hollow log, everygnome allows one thing to guide them to finding the location of their home - their gnose. You might have gnoticed by gnow, but everygnome has a big gnose, and for very good reason. The sense of smell is most important to gnomekind. Think about it... the reason most gnomes live in the garden is the variety of smells the outdoors offer. Some like the smell of the moist ground after a rainfall most of all. Some like the smell of the flowers in the garden, while other like the smell of freshly cut grass the best. Gnot this little fella. As luck would have it, he once stumbled into a grand old library and his gnose instantly told him he was home. Oh the smell of grand old books! There was gnothing like it in the entire garden! Gnever before had he felt so cozy, for as you may know, where ever you may find a happy gnose, you will also find a cozy gnome. What about you? What scent tells your gnose that you are home?