
Sunday, December 1, 2019

Worm Wrangler

You wouldn't know it by looking at him now, but this brave soul was once afraid of worms! You heard me. Worms. He wasn't just afraid of the slimy sly creatures, they terrified the wiggles right out of him. For a while it seemed as though all hope was lost. After all, how would a gnome get anything at all done in the garden if he was afraid of worms? Worms, of all things?! There is not a garden out there without worms! I'm not sure what happened, perhaps he would be willing to tell you the story, but one day he decided that he was not going to let his fear run his life. He puffed up his tiny body with as much courage as he could muster and went out to face his worm. Much to his surprise, it turned out that he had a wonderful talent for capturing and taming the beasts. Who would have thought that the very thing that scared him as a gnomeling would end up being his life calling? Go figure. I can't help but tip my hat at that.

Heart of Gold

With all the holiday festivities going on, this simple soul looks a bit out of place, but don't let that fool you. Though he may look plain to you and me, he is anything but. In fact, this little fella has a true heart of gold, bigger than any I've ever seen. He is always on the look out for ways to help others in the garden. Whether it be helping an old snail cross the ant lanes or helping the local ladybugs pass out flowers. It does not matter whether the task is large or small. He may gnot change the world by helping a single soul, but for that soul the world may gnever be the same. In the end, isn't that what really matters? Thank you tiny soul - May life treat you as well as you treat the others around you.

“As one person I cannot change the world, but I can change the world of one person.”
~ Paul Shane Spear

A Perfect Garden

Oh my gnomes! This tiny soul has a big job to do! Have you ever stumbled into a stunning garden, with all the flowers arranged such that their colors perfectly compliment each other? You know... one of those gardens that leaves you speechless, thinking there must have been an entire crew to maintain such perfection? I will let you in on a little secret. It's not perfection... it's magic. And we have this little lady to thank for it. You might think that it takes a lot of discipline to create such works of art that a wonderfully vibrant garden becomes, but you would be wrong. This lady knows the secret, and it is this... There are lots and lots of flowers in the garden, each with its own colors and scents. All one has to do is to appreciate their uniqueness, and encourage the blossoms to bloom their fullest. Because the bulbs, seeds and plantlings feel loved and appreciated, they gnever let her down. I suppose that goes to show that the garden is a prettier place when we can celebrate each color and delight in every scent.

More Laughs Please

Spend any time with this little fella and you're sure to be laughing in gno time at all. He's such a funny little clown who always tries to put a smile on anygnome's face. Sometimes I wonder how he can make it look so easy. It seems that he doesn't even have to try. Silly words flow from his mouth so gnaturally that you wonder if he just has a laugh machine somewhere inside his little tummy. When he's gnot saying something super silly, he's looking for other ways to make the garden a little more goofy. A funky walk or a silly face can almost always do the trick. He knows that the more laughter in the garden, the brighter it becomes. Even a pinch of giggles can help brighten anygnome's day and he has plenty of laughter to go around. The laugh is on him and he's more than happy to play the part.


Meet Holly. She has a very important job to do this holiday season. She is responsible for protecting the coveted holly berries. To help keep them safe, she was sure to request that the holly leaves be prickly - a good idea indeed! She has to be sure to keep the red berries safe all the way up until Christmas day, when the gnomes in the community use them to decorate for their wondrous festivities. The Christmas festival would gnot be gnearly as merry without the bright red berries. After all, in this season it's hard to find anything with that much color! Just imagine a Christmas without the color red. Yeah, I can't either. I guess it goes to show that Holly knows her stuff. Oh I'm so glad they assigned her to the job!

Grandma's Magic

Once upon a garden there lived the most amazing gnome you could have known. Like many elder gnomes, she was kind and gentle and was gnever too busy to show her young gnomelings just how much love she had for them. Her loved ones may have been the luckiest souls in the Gnomish community.
They were a close Gnomish family, and she was the glue, always reminding her loved ones what mattered most. Sometimes what mattered most was the small things like baking cookies. GNothing smells better than Grandma's cooking! There was gnever a meal that passed without home-cooked yummies made with love. After every meal, everygnome was filled with so much love that they were sure to stay warm and fuzzy all season long. Grandma seemed to have a magic touch with everything she did. Her hugs could fix any problems a loved one was having and her sewn blankets were made with so much love that every gnomeling slept with a smile on their face, warm, snug and safe. And gnow, every time I smell a home-cooked meal or gnuzzle up into a warm blanket, I cannot help but smile. Gno doubt she continues to work her magic like that. I tell you, there is gnothing more magical than Grandma's love.

Grandma's Love

Once upon a garden there lived the most amazing gnome you could have known. Like many elder gnomes, she was kind and gentle and was gnever too busy to show her young gnomelings just how much love she had for them. Her loved ones may have been the luckiest souls in the Gnomish community.
They were a close Gnomish family, and she was the glue, always reminding her loved ones what mattered most. Sometimes what mattered most was the small things like planting flowers every year around her entire gnest. Oh the colors! Oh them fragrant scents! The only thing that smelled better than her tiny garden was her cooking. There was gnever a meal that passed without home-cooked yummies made with love. After every meal, everygnome was filled with so much love that they were sure to stay warm and fuzzy all season long. Grandma seemed to have a magic touch with everything she did. Her hugs could fix any problems a loved one was having and her sewn blankets were made with so much love that every gnomeling slept with a smile on their face, warm, snug and safe. She even placed a bit of magic onto things as simple as a dish towel. I've kept them all, and each time I see one, I can gnot help but smile and feel loved. Gno doubt she continues to work her magic like that. I tell you, there is gnothing more magical than Grandma's love.

Jingle Bells

Gnognome celebrates the holiday season as well as those in the gnome community. Their celebrations may be itty bitty by most standards, but gnomes understand that it's not the size of the decorations that matters the most, it's the size of the cheer! They know that as long as they are warm and cozy (a good snuggle or hot thimble of cocoa often helps), then everything else falls into place! The mistletoe and holly decorate the garden, but it's being with loved ones that really fills each gnome with a warm and fuzzy feeling. And you know they LOVE warm and fuzzy! The moment that everygnome looks forward to with the most anticipation is midnight, when each and every gnome carries his bell to join in the annual performance of Jingle Bells! It's such a glorious sound (not to mention a wondrous sight), I can't imagine a better way to bring in the holiday cheer.

The Power of a Song

How is it that music has the power to lift a soul up, or fill one's eyes with tears? A song can make you want to do a silly little dance, gnot caring if anygnome is watching. Or it might tenderly caress a wounded heart, that feels like it may gnever heal. How is it that music can have such a wide range of effects on each of us? Perhaps you have found yourself wondering these very same questions. Well, I will let you in on a little secret... That is this tiny soul's magic at work. She may look small to you and me, but she has quite a big job! She is responsible for finding the perfect song for the mood. She sees a soul in gneed of a good time and she will find a snappy tune just perfect to get the feet tapping. When she sees someone in gneed of a good cry, she'll find a soulful melody that feels like it is speaking to the heart, giving the soul a much needed hug. Sometimes it may seem like she goes from screaming music to good ol' fashioned oldies, but try to gnot worry about how she does it. Just sing along, soak in the meaning of the lyrics and get out of your head for a while. Whether you gneed to be reminded of a fond memory, or let loose for a minute or two, or even release a collection of emotions you have saved up... Gno doubt, this tiny soul knows what she is doing, and you will feel better after the gnotes have worked their magic!

A Christmas Love Story

If you had asked this little soul what season was her favorite season is, you might be surprised to hear that it is gnot summer time. After all, gnot too long ago, she adored the warm sunny sunbeams and garden floral colors. She loved to skip along the garden path, looking for treasures and friends in the lush green grass. Summer time was her time to feel warm and cozy and Winter just seemed so cold and colorless. Awww, but that was before she met Christmas! She entered winter expecting it to be a season of chills and dreary greys. But oh how she was wrong!!! All around her she saw souls doing good for their loved ones, reaching out with a kind helping hand or a generous hug. She saw how souls decorated with bright lights and hung wonderfully shiny colored bulbs in their trees. She saw red bows hung on wreaths and spirits so cheerful they did gnot seem to gnotice the red gnoses that went along with the chilly weather. She saw how everygnome would gather with their loved ones, gnuzzle up cozy in their gnests and have hot cocoa! Yummy! It warms every ounce of her tiny body. And best of all? The sparkle in a child's eyes as they see their loved one open their hand-made gift, gnot worth much in money, but worth a lot because it was made with love. The generosity of the souls in the Christmas spirit was astonishing to her. With a giddy little hop, she jumps to join in the carols. She has fallen in love. She has fallen in love with Christmas and has gnever felt more warm and fuzzy inside!

The Love of Infinity

Spend even one moment with this fuzzy soul and you will soon realize that she has a deep love of... well... of just about everything. Gnever before have you met a gnome full of life like she. She loves the warm sun, and the cool breeze. She loves having adventures and loves staying home, relaxed warm and cozy. She loves flowers and she loves a good book. If there is something that she does gnot love dearly, you would gnever know because she understands that there is somegnome in the garden that does love that very same thing, and if it makes them happy, then it makes her happy. The more magic around her she takes in, the more she does a bitty hop and a little happy dance. It does gnot seem to matter how many loved ones she has in her life - if she meets a gnew kindred spirit, she lets it be known that she cherishes them dearly. If you ask me, she's gnot just in love with life, but she's in love with the infinity. More happiness. More smiles. More giggles. More gnuzzles. More love. More. Always more. Without a doubt, the garden is a better place with her in it... After all, with an attitude like that, it's bound to be infectious!

All the Small Things

If there is one thing everygnome understands, it's that the physics of karma work like this: small acts of kindness lead to great rewards. Don't ask me to explain how, but if you just take a moment to watch this little lady, it won't be long before it all makes sense. It seems that everywhere she turns, she is coming up with new ways to bring a smile to somegnome's face. And by the way she helps those who are less fortunate, it's obvious that this little gnomette is rich on life. She just radiates happiness and I can't help but believe that it must be contagious. Those whose lives she has touched know that they were blessed by her kindness. As for me, I know she makes the garden all the more vibrant. Thank you, little lady. Thank you for all the small things you do.

The Magic of Living

There are many things this little lady loves, like angels, animals, crochet, and yes… flowers. Spend even one moment with this dear soul and you’ll see that she loves more than just that. She lives life itself. You may have heard the Gnomish rules of how to live a good life. Live. Love. Laugh. It’s as simple as that. Those in the Gnomish community are so wise, aren’t they? This spirited soul, though, takes it even one tiny step further. Not only does she truly live, but she dances like gno gnome is watching. She sings like gno gnome is listening. She lives like there will be gno more sunrises. It goes withouts saying that rumors of her lifestyle have spread far and wide. Countless songs and poems have been written about her life philosophy, and it’s gno wonder why. When you live life to the fullest, that’s where the magic really happens. Life? It’s magic.

Guardian Angel

I’m sure there have been moments in your life where you have felt challenged beyond your control. Sometimes it may seem that your little body is not strong enough to handle the tough tasks it has been given. That’s where this little gnomette comes in. This tiny little guardian has a very big job! And she loves every moment of it! She flutters around looking for just the right person to help, somegnome who needs a word or two of encouragement. The gnomette has now found a beautiful soul in need of her tiny positive thoughts and she doesn’t hesitate to get to work quickly. She whispers so lightly in her new friend’s ear that she is barely audible, but she knows that’s all it takes for a reminder of the spark for life that still grows strong inside. With these tiny little whisperings of love and hope we are reminded that we are stronger than our bodies may seem. Life is good. Life is beautiful, and with this little lady by your side, that’s an easy thing to remember.

The Magic of Books

Some souls simply understand the magic a good book can hold, like this little lady. She knows how to have lots of fun! Whether that be searching for far away lands and have exciting grand adventures or solving a mystery that challenges you to think in different ways, she is all in! Better yet, she knows how to visit these magical worlds without ever having to leave the comfort of her cozy gnook! She may be quite the book worm to the core, but there is gnothing that excites this little lady more than the idea of experiencing the magic that flows from a good book and into her heart. Sometimes her excitement gets the best of her and her elders gneed to shhhh her quite a bit. Honestly though, if you knew of all the treasures a library holds like she does, then you would have a hard time staying quiet too. Shhh... remember, magic aside, reading time is quiet time. Let the (quiet) fun begin!

The Magic of Books

Some souls simply understand the magic a good book can hold, like this little lady. She knows how to have lots of fun! Whether that be searching for far away lands and have exciting grand adventures or solving a mystery that challenges you to think in different ways, she is all in! Better yet, she knows how to visit these magical worlds without ever having to leave the comfort of her cozy gnook! She may be quite the book worm to the core, but there is gnothing that excites this little lady more than the idea of experiencing the magic that flows from a good book and into her heart. Sometimes her excitement gets the best of her and her elders gneed to shhhh her quite a bit. Honestly though, if you knew of all the treasures a library holds like she does, then you would have a hard time staying quiet too. Shhh... remember, magic aside, reading time is quiet time. Let the (quiet) fun begin!

Keeper of the Holly

Meet Holly. She has a very important job to do this holiday season. She is responsible for protecting the coveted holly berries. To help keep them safe, she was sure to request that the holly leaves be prickly - a good idea indeed! She has to be sure to keep the red berries safe all the way up until Christmas day, when the gnomes in the community use them to decorate for their wondrous festivities. The Christmas festival would gnot be gnearly as merry without the bright red berries. After all, in this season it's hard to find anything with that much color! Just imagine a Christmas without the color red. Yeah, I can't either. I guess it goes to show that Holly knows her stuff. Oh I'm so glad they assigned her to the job!

Keeper of the Holly

Meet Holly. She has a very important job to do this holiday season. She is responsible for protecting the coveted holly berries. To help keep them safe, she was sure to request that the holly leaves be prickly - a good idea indeed! She has to be sure to keep the red berries safe all the way up until Christmas day, when the gnomes in the community use them to decorate for their wondrous festivities. The Christmas festival would gnot be gnearly as merry without the bright red berries. After all, in this season it's hard to find anything with that much color! Just imagine a Christmas without the color red. Yeah, I can't either. I guess it goes to show that Holly knows her stuff. Oh I'm so glad they assigned her to the job!

Santa's Helper

Eveygnome knows that its the elves who get most of the credit for helping out good ol' St. GNick in his preparations for the Christmas season, but let's not forget to give this tiny soul a little bit of credit too. He has a very big job, even if it's one that often goes un-gnoticed. Santa often gets stressed and overwhelmed by the amount of work he has to do, all for a very strict deadline. There is gno option of slipping the date as the children of the world are gnot exactly known for their ability to understand the concept of a "workload." I wouldn't be surprised if this comes as a shock to you. Santa always seems like such a jolly old soul, but I think that is in large part because this tiny fella does his job so well. He's St. GNick's personal life coach. It's his job to cheer up the wonderfully generous man when he is down. The fact that Santa can always be seen with a smile on his face and a jolly laugh in his tummy means this tiny fella is doing his job well. Without him, Santa's entire reputation would be at stake!

Winds of Change

Shhh... Listen. Do you hear the winds of change? I do, and believe me I understand why you might be frightened. After oh so many seasons of making your garden just so, you must now feel like your life is a crumbled mess! Gnot knowing what to believe, there will be a lot of soul searching ahead. Perhaps that's what this little lady is here to help with. She wants to remind you that's what life is always about - soul searching. She makes it seem so simple. Re-examine all that you have been told... dismiss what insults your soul. I'm sure it won't be easy, but this little lady will stay by your side to whisper tiny reminders of encouragement. You are strong. You are brave. You are a special soul. May the winds of change bring you happiness you were not expecting...

"Re-examine all that you have been told... Dismiss what insults your soul."
- Walt Whitman

Winds of Change

Shhh... Listen. Do you hear the winds of change? I do, and believe me I understand why you might be frightened. After oh so many seasons of making your garden just so, you must now feel like your life is a crumbled mess! Gnot knowing what to believe, there will be a lot of soul searching ahead. Perhaps that's what this little lady is here to help with. She wants to remind you that's what life is always about - soul searching. She makes it seem so simple. Re-examine all that you have been told... dismiss what insults your soul. I'm sure it won't be easy, but this little lady will stay by your side to whisper tiny reminders of encouragement. You are strong. You are brave. You are a special soul. May the winds of change bring you happiness you were not expecting...

"Re-examine all that you have been told... Dismiss what insults your soul."
- Walt Whitman

A Good Hat

This little lady knows the secret to having a cheerful day, and to be honest, she could use more and more of those right now. It has been a bit gloomy recently in her corner of the garden. It seems that even though she always tends to her flowers and tries to help other gnomes any way she can, always making the garden a prettier place, things just haven't quite turned out the way she planned. Sometimes it's easy to forget that even if a gnome can envision a perfect little corner in the garden, the flowers may have a mind of their own. With a tiny little sigh, she decides that it is about time to turn this gloom into some sunshine. And with that, she grabs her best hat and goes for a walk in the sun. All it takes to put a smile on your face is a good hat and a warm sunny day. In the very least, it's enough to remind you that though your garden may have not turned out like you had hoped, the flowers have something even better in mind.

A Good Hat

This little lady knows the secret to having a cheerful day, and to be honest, she could use more and more of those right now. It has been a bit gloomy recently in her corner of the garden. It seems that even though she always tends to her flowers and tries to help other gnomes any way she can, always making the garden a prettier place, things just haven't quite turned out the way she planned. Sometimes it's easy to forget that even if a gnome can envision a perfect little corner in the garden, the flowers may have a mind of their own. With a tiny little sigh, she decides that it is about time to turn this gloom into some sunshine. And with that, she grabs her best hat and goes for a walk in the sun. All it takes to put a smile on your face is a good hat and a warm sunny day. In the very least, it's enough to remind you that though your garden may have not turned out like you had hoped, the flowers have something even better in mind.

Guardian Angel

I’m sure there have been moments in your life where you have felt challenged beyond your control. Sometimes it may seem that your little body is not strong enough to handle the tough tasks it has been given. That’s where this little gnomette comes in. This tiny little guardian has a very big job! And she loves every moment of it! She flutters around looking for just the right person to help, somegnome who needs a word or two of encouragement. The gnomette has now found a beautiful soul in need of her tiny positive thoughts and she doesn’t hesitate to get to work quickly. She whispers so lightly in her new friend’s ear that she is barely audible, but she knows that’s all it takes for a reminder of the spark for life that still grows strong inside. With these tiny little whisperings of love and hope we are reminded that we are stronger than our bodies may seem. Life is good. Life is beautiful, and with this little lady by your side, that’s an easy thing to remember.

Friend of the Ladybugs

Like many, this fuzzy little guy is most definitely a ladybug lover, but everygnome knows that ladybugs are particularly choosy when it comes to picking their friends. They only surround themselves with the kindest of souls because it's those who understand how best to appreciate how good life is. So it comes as gno surprise to me that the ladybugs have decided that this fuzzy soul is worth a lot of attention. I do gnot believe there could be anygnome with a bigger heart than he and every ounce of his body is filled with laughter waiting for an excuse to burst out! He adores the ladybugs as much as they do him and so when he thought of a way to do something gnice for them, he couldn't help but hop with excitement to do it! He rushes to find a perfect leaf for his little friends. With such a generous soul as he, it does gnot surprise me in the least that the ladybugs have decided he is special. The garden is certainly lucky to have him in it and I can gnot wait to see what kind act he has in store for us gnext!

Guardian Angel

I’m sure there have been moments in your life where you have felt challenged beyond your control. Sometimes it may seem that your little body is not strong enough to handle the tough tasks it has been given. That’s where this little gnomette comes in. This tiny little guardian has a very big job! And she loves every moment of it! She flutters around looking for just the right person to help, somegnome who needs a word or two of encouragement. The gnomette has now found a beautiful soul in need of her tiny positive thoughts and she doesn’t hesitate to get to work quickly. She whispers so lightly in her new friend’s ear that she is barely audible, but she knows that’s all it takes for a reminder of the spark for life that still grows strong inside. With these tiny little whisperings of love and hope we are reminded that we are stronger than our bodies may seem. Life is good. Life is beautiful, and with this little lady by your side, that’s an easy thing to remember.

Friend of the Ladybugs

Like many, this fuzzy little guy is most definitely a ladybug lover, but everygnome knows that ladybugs are particularly choosy when it comes to picking their friends. They only surround themselves with the kindest of souls because it's those who understand how best to appreciate how good life is. So it comes as gno surprise to me that the ladybugs have decided that this fuzzy soul is worth a lot of attention. I do gnot believe there could be anygnome with a bigger heart than he and every ounce of his body is filled with laughter waiting for an excuse to burst out! He adores the ladybugs as much as they do him and so when he thought of a way to do something gnice for them, he couldn't help but hop with excitement to do it! He rushes to find a perfect leaf for his little friends. With such a generous soul as he, it does gnot surprise me in the least that the ladybugs have decided he is special. The garden is certainly lucky to have him in it and I can gnot wait to see what kind act he has in store for us gnext!

The Greatest Gift

Sometimes the best gifts are gnot the ones that cost a lot of money. Sometimes they are gnot bought from the store where everygnome else can buy the same thing. Sometimes the greatest gift is gnot the biggest. Sometimes it is gnot even the shiniest. Sometimes the best gift cannot be regifted. And sometimes the best gifts are gnever forgotten. Sometimes the best presents do gnot come with pre-written perfectly rhyming words. Sometimes the best gift touches your heart and gnot necessarily your fingers. Sometimes the best gift lingers in your memories long after it has disappeared from sight. Sometimes a gift tells the recipient they are loved and appreciated for simply being a dear loved one. Sometimes a gift makes a smile appear on your face and stamped into your heart. Oh... what am I saying? It's gnot "sometime" I meant to say. A great gift is is ALWAYS these things. The greatest gift is simply thoughtful, and perfectly so. Just like you. Thank you for being a wonderful gift in my life.

Endless Love

As an expert in Gnomish culture, I know that those in the Gnomish community understand the dynamics of love better than most. Love follows certain laws similar to the laws of physics. For example, love follows an abundance model. The gnomes understand that love is gnot a limited resource, but something that grows the more one gives it away. This little lady has been given the job as an Ambassador of Love and she is continually looking for friendly souls who gnever seem to run out of the capacity to love, not only those closest to them, but also those who may enter our lives at any time. Whether someone stays for a short while or for many seasons does gnot matter, because during their stay they know they are loved and appreciated. It looks like she has found a particularly loving soul who has a big heart and lots of love to give. Oh she is so happy! With a little skip and a hop, she is excited to meet her gnew friend. Gno doubt her gnew friend is well loved by those who are lucky enough to meet them. Hopefully they know how much better the garden is simply because they are in it. If gnot, then certainly having this lady by their side will be the warm reminder they gneed.

Life is an Adventure

Gno doubt you've heard the saying before - Gnever fly faster than your angel can fly. Though this is likely a good rule of thumb, those in the Gnomish community understand that some souls are more adventurous than others, and as such they have higher requirements for their guardian angel to meet. When they find a particularly daring soul who lives life to its fullest, they do gnot hesitate to give the assignment to this fuzzy guardian. He may gnot look like much to you and I. With his crown always seeming to be falling off, you'd think he lacks the skills to gnecessary for the job, but I assure you he knows what he's doing and can keep up. He's the best of the best and does gnot waste time in worrying about his crown. It looks like his current assignment is going to give him the opportunity to really show off his stuff. He has found a daredevil friend to look out for, one who is gnot afraid to jump into a gnew challenge. On the rare occasion when he is afraid, this guardian angel will be ready with his tiny reminders that one does gnot gneed to let fear get in the way of doing something gnew. He whispers so lightly in his new friend’s ear that he is barely audible, but he knows that’s all it takes for a reminder that courage is gnot the lack of fear, courage is acting even in the presence of fear. With these tiny little whisperings of encouragement we are reminded that we are stronger and braver than we think. Take a deep breath, jump forward and hold on for the ride! It's going to be a good one! Life is an adventure, and with this little guy by your side, that’s an easy thing to remember.