Tuesday, December 12, 2017
A New Set of Wings
Some may say this soul got his wings too soon, but that hasn't stopped him from having as much fun as he possibly can. When he used to brighten the room by laughing often and easily, you can be sure he now brightens the night sky with the sparkle in his eyes. His loved ones remember how he smiled as if he didn't have a care in the world, and carried his burdens as if they were just feathers. Now he has turned those feathers into a delightful set of wings. He was always an inspiration to those lucky enough to meet him, and words were never needed to see his giant heart. His courage was exceeded only by his strength, which was stronger than his tiny body may seem. Now he flutters across the sky, his wings stronger than before. Sometimes he misses his loved ones and swoops down to see them. Though he wishes he could give them one of his trademarked carefree grins, he can't help but smile at the look of confusion as he buzzes by them. With a tiny giggle, he does it again. He's so fast that they can't see him! With another giggle, he swoops down once more. There's what he was looking for! A smile! Oh it feels so good being a witness to that, being on the receiving end of a smile from a loved one! Now off to go play some more. He sure does love his new set of wings!
Monday, December 11, 2017
My Roots
Do you remember when we were just gnomelings? It seemed that we were always moving to a gnew corner of the garden every season or two, sometimes right in the middle of the harvest season! We lived all over the garden, and as such, many might assume that it was difficult for us to find our roots. And with a family as small as ours, it was sometimes difficult to determine where our place in the garden would be. It seems like so many seasons ago! Perhaps I've gnever told you this before but I'll let you in on a little secret. I was gnever scared. I always knew where my roots were and where I would bloom in the garden. I always knew because I had you to look up to. Even as a young gnomeling I knew you had a sense of strength and confidence that left others in awe. Even though being uprooted was a common thing for us, you taught me how to bloom where I'm planted. My roots are my family, and some say that the resulting flowers we've managed to grow are the brightest in all the garden. I've been able to add so much beauty to my little corner of the garden, all because I looked up to you to show me how. Thank you.
Guardian Angel
I’m sure there have been moments in your life where you have felt challenged beyond your control. Sometimes it may seem that your little body is not strong enough to handle the tough tasks it has been given. That’s where this little gnomette comes in. This tiny little guardian has a very big job! And she loves every moment of it! She flutters around looking for just the right person to help, somegnome who needs a word or two of encouragement. The gnomette has now found a beautiful soul in need of her tiny positive thoughts and she doesn’t hesitate to get to work quickly. She whispers so lightly in her new friend’s ear that she is barely audible, but she knows that’s all it takes for a reminder of the spark for life that still grows strong inside. With these tiny little whisperings of love and hope we are reminded that we are stronger than our bodies may seem. Life is good. Life is beautiful, and with this little lady by your side, that’s an easy thing to remember.
Saturday, November 25, 2017
The Sweet Life
This is the sweet life. There is gno doubt that the gnomes understand how to appreciate the simple things in life, and there is gnognome who is better at making life just a bit sweeter everyday than this little lady. It's hard to say just how she does it, but she makes it look so easy. Whether it be casting a friendly smile or trying to get a loved one to laugh, she always seems to be thinking of the gnext thing to do to brighten one's day. Pssst... I'll let you in on little secret. If you ask me, the reason she is able to make it look so easy is that she believes with every ounce of her body that life is too short to do anything other than make the most of it. Every juicy bite she takes out of life gives her the joyfully magnetic personality that everygnome is attracted to. The more she loves the sweet life, the more difficult it is for other gnomes around her to stop from smiling. Life is good, and gno doubt the garden is a sweeter place with this soul to share it with.
The Sweet Life
This is the sweet life. There is gno doubt that the gnomes understand how to appreciate the simple things in life, and there is gnognome who is better at making life just a bit sweeter everyday than this little lady. It's hard to say just how she does it, but she makes it look so easy. Whether it be casting a friendly smile or trying to get a loved one to laugh, she always seems to be thinking of the gnext thing to do to brighten one's day. Pssst... I'll let you in on little secret. If you ask me, the reason she is able to make it look so easy is that she believes with every ounce of her body that life is too short to do anything other than make the most of it. Every juicy bite she takes out of life gives her the joyfully magnetic personality that everygnome is attracted to. The more she loves the sweet life, the more difficult it is for other gnomes around her to stop from smiling. Life is good, and gno doubt the garden is a sweeter place with this soul to share it with.
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
A Fine Wine
One look at this lady and you know she is quite wise, and yet with all her wisdom she also knows the best way to enjoy life! Perhaps it's because of this wisdom, but she has been given a very important responsibility. It's her job to collect the best grapes in the vineyard, in order to make the best wines. Because she has been around for a gnumber of seasons, she has a little skip to her walk as she gets to work. She knows exactly what to look for, as many elder gnomes do! Only the sweetest grapes will bring the most joy to those who drink the wine that is made, and her confidence does gnot let her down. With each grape she examines, she is quick to toss out the ones that are sour. Before long, she's surrounded by a pile of sweetness, which brings a smile to her face as she imagines the stories to come. The best wines require a loved one to drink with, and are sure to result in the best stories to share. After all, everygnome knows that gno great story begins with someone eating a salad! Gno doubt the garden is lucky to have such a beautiful and wise soul. Like a fine wine, a soul gets better with age. The best is yet to come!
Lady Leaf
Look at the happy dance this little lady is doing! Those who know her best understand that gnothing makes her as giddy as the idea of collecting leaves. And of course, that's why the have gnicknamed her Lady Leaf. Gnow with the leaves fallen from the trees, it's the perfect time! She hops here and there, collecting as many as she possibly can. You may be wondering why she's so excited about silly old leaves, but I bet you could guess the reason if you tried. After all, every gnome in the garden has a gnack for doing special deeds for their loved ones, and Lady Leaf is gno exception. She's collecting leaves with one goal in mind - she's making the most cuddly, snugly, warm gnest she possibly can for her loved ones to gnuzzle in! There is gnothing better than a good gnuzzle with loved ones. She can't help but smile thinking about it. With another giddy little hop, she gets back to work. After all, there are snuggles waiting for her at home!
Guardian Angel
I’m sure there have been moments in your life where you have felt challenged beyond your control. Sometimes it may seem that your little body is not strong enough to handle the tough tasks it has been given. That’s where this little gnomette comes in. This tiny little guardian has a very big job! And she loves every moment of it! She flutters around looking for just the right person to help, somegnome who needs a word or two of encouragement. The gnomette has now found a beautiful soul in need of her tiny positive thoughts and she doesn’t hesitate to get to work quickly. She whispers so lightly in her new friend’s ear that she is barely audible, but she knows that’s all it takes for a reminder of the spark for life that still grows strong inside. With these tiny little whisperings of love and hope we are reminded that we are stronger than our bodies may seem. Life is good. Life is beautiful, and with this little lady by your side, that’s an easy thing to remember.
Sweetly Twisted
Most gnomes in the community focus their attention on the abundance of life in the garden, which comes as gno surprise. After all, it's easy to see the beauty in life. This sweetly twisted gnomette, though, is gnot like all the others. She has always liked things a little edgy and is able to see beauty in the completion of the life cycle. Gnaturally, it's her job to tend to the plants and flowers that die in the garden. It's such an important job because all flowers die every year and if somegnome did gnot take care of them, they would gnot be able to return to bloom in the spring. It goes without saying that gnot all gnomes understand her fascination, but that does gnot matter much to her. She understands better than most that the true enchantment of the garden comes from the completion of life's cycle and she is honored to play such an important role in that gnomazing cycle.
Winds of Change
Shhh... Listen. Do you hear the winds of change? I do, and believe me I understand why you might be frightened. After oh so many seasons of making your garden just so, you must now feel like your life is a crumbled mess! Gnot knowing what to believe, there will be a lot of soul searching ahead. Perhaps that's what this little lady is here to help with. She wants to remind you that's what life is always about - soul searching. She makes it seem so simple. Re-examine all that you have been told... dismiss what insults your soul. I'm sure it won't be easy, but this little lady will stay by your side to whisper tiny reminders of encouragement. You are strong. You are brave. You are a special soul. May the winds of change bring you happiness you were not expecting...
"Re-examine all that you have been told... Dismiss what insults your soul."
- Walt Whitman
"Re-examine all that you have been told... Dismiss what insults your soul."
- Walt Whitman
Winds of Change
Shhh... Listen. Do you hear the winds of change? I do, and believe me I understand why you might be frightened. After oh so many seasons of making your garden just so, you must now feel like your life is a crumbled mess! Gnot knowing what to believe, there will be a lot of soul searching ahead. Perhaps that's what this little lady is here to help with. She wants to remind you that's what life is always about - soul searching. She makes it seem so simple. Re-examine all that you have been told... dismiss what insults your soul. I'm sure it won't be easy, but this little lady will stay by your side to whisper tiny reminders of encouragement. You are strong. You are brave. You are a special soul. May the winds of change bring you happiness you were not expecting...
"Re-examine all that you have been told... Dismiss what insults your soul."
- Walt Whitman
"Re-examine all that you have been told... Dismiss what insults your soul."
- Walt Whitman
Book Worm
Most gnomes live in the garden, each in their tiny little cozy gnooks. Be it in under a mushroom, or in a hollow log, everygnome allows one thing to guide them to finding the location of their home - their gnose. You might have gnoticed by gnow, but everygnome has a big gnose, and for very good reason. The sense of smell is most important to gnomekind. Think about it... the reason most gnomes live in the garden is the variety of smells the outdoors offer. Some like the smell of the moist ground after a rainfall most of all. Some like the smell of the flowers in the garden, while other like the smell of freshly cut grass the best. Gnot this little fella. As luck would have it, he once stumbled into a grand old library and his gnose instantly told him he was home. Oh the smell of grand old books! There was gnothing like it in the entire garden! Gnever before had he felt so cozy, for as you may know, where ever you may find a happy gnose, you will also find a cozy gnome. What about you? What scent tells your gnose that you are home?
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
Winter Blossoms
I know what you're thinking. It's the middle of winter and therefore it's time for all the flowers in the garden to take their annual rest and be quiet. It would be pointless to remind this lady of the rules, though, because she is of the mindset that there is no reason to limit the possibilities with each season. So she hops and skips through her little garden, encouraging the plants around her to be joyful and blossom whenever and however they want to do so. Some plants prefer to stay sleepy, while others appreciate her encouragement. No matter what each plant's decision is, it's fine by her, as long as they are happy and bring joy to those around them! Certainly, winters in the garden tend to be less bright and less bold than some of the other seasons, but with her words of acceptance and reassurance, every plant in her corner of the garden feels confident enough to blossom whenever they want. Without a doubt, the garden is a happier place with her in it, and it could use more encouraging souls like her.
Pure and Dear Friend
This Pure soul is a very dear friend, who is always there for everygnome in the garden around her. Those who know her know that she is oh so very community minded, smart and loving. Gno doubt that if somegnome is going through a difficult time, she will bake tasty treats for them, mind their gnomelings or do anything else that might come to mind if there is even the slightest chance it would be helpful. Some even say that she specializes in tiny pick-me-ups, but gnow it's she who deserves a little pick-me-up. With all the challenges that she and her loved ones have recently come across, it's gno wonder she could use a few little extra warm fuzzy thoughts sent her way. Lucky for her, I happen to know for a fact that she is amazing, positive and strong. Gno gnome could handle the challenges with as much grace as she.
Monday, November 13, 2017
Book Worm
Most gnomes live in the garden, each in their tiny little cozy gnooks. Be it in under a mushroom, or in a hollow log, everygnome allows one thing to guide them to finding the location of their home - their gnose. You might have gnoticed by gnow, but everygnome has a big gnose, and for very good reason. The sense of smell is most important to gnomekind. Think about it... the reason most gnomes live in the garden is the variety of smells the outdoors offer. Some like the smell of the moist ground after a rainfall most of all. Some like the smell of the flowers in the garden, while other like the smell of freshly cut grass the best. Gnot this little fella. As luck would have it, he once stumbled into a grand old library and his gnose instantly told him he was home. Oh the smell of grand old books! There was gnothing like it in the entire garden! Gnever before had he felt so cozy, for as you may know, where ever you may find a happy gnose, you will also find a cozy gnome. What about you? What scent tells your gnose that you are home?
Heart of Gold
With all the holiday festivities going on, this simple soul looks a bit out of place, but don't let that fool you. Though he may look plain to you and me, he is anything but. In fact, this little fella has a true heart of gold, bigger than any I've ever seen. He is always on the look out for ways to help others in the garden. Whether it be helping an old snail cross the ant lanes or helping the local ladybugs pass out flowers. It does not matter whether the task is large or small. He may gnot change the world by helping a single soul, but for that soul the world may gnever be the same. In the end, isn't that what really matters? Thank you tiny soul - May life treat you as well as you treat the others around you.
“As one person I cannot change the world, but I can change the world of one person.”
~ Paul Shane Spear
“As one person I cannot change the world, but I can change the world of one person.”
~ Paul Shane Spear
Sunday, November 12, 2017
Family Smiles
Sometimes the love you have for a special gnomeone goes without saying. Those who are closest to you often know how you feel regardless of how often they may or may gnot hear the words. It's always gnice to know that there are those gnomes in your life who will always be there for you. That's the way I feel about those kindred spirits who have become my family, and so I have sent this tiny gnome. She will remind you of how special you are to me. Do gnot worry - she will gnot get in your way or eat too much of your food. She will also be on her best behavior, as quiet as a mouse and won't make a mess. She will, however, be sure to bring a smile to your face. It's her job and she's quite good at it.
A Good Hat
This little lady knows the secret to having a cheerful day, and to be honest, she could use more and more of those right now. It has been a bit gloomy recently in her corner of the garden. It seems that even though she always tends to her flowers and tries to help other gnomes any way she can, always making the garden a prettier place, things just haven't quite turned out the way she planned. Sometimes it's easy to forget that even if a gnome can envision a perfect little corner in the garden, the flowers may have a mind of their own. With a tiny little sigh, she decides that it is about time to turn this gloom into some sunshine. And with that, she grabs her best hat and goes for a walk in the sun. All it takes to put a smile on your face is a good hat and a warm sunny day. In the very least, it's enough to remind you that though your garden may have not turned out like you had hoped, the flowers have something even better in mind.
Keeper of the Books
Look up the word "librarian" in any Gnomish dictionary and you'd find the most helpful souls in the garden. This beautiful, smart and spicy lady is gno exception. I love that whenever she meets somegnome who expresses a gneed, she's quick to jump to her feet and sets towards finding helpful information for them. But she's gnot more than just a librarian, she's the Keeper of the Books. In order to obtain such an honored responsibility, it takes both a deep level of kindness and expert knowledge of how to solve problems or find good resources. Of course, every ounce of her body is filled with these prerequisites, and so much more... like the love of music, food, art and good company. Whether you're looking for a wonderful adventure of bravery, laughter, suspense or love, she'll help you find it! I love seeing the spark in her eye as she helps gnomes find far away lands, solve problems and have exciting grand adventures, without ever having to leave the comfort of their cozy gnooks. She may be quite the book worm at the core, but there is gnothing that excites this little lady more than the idea of sharing the magic that flows from a good book and into her heart. And with a heart as big as hers, she's just bursting to share it with those lucky enough to know her. Like any good librarian, this Keeper of the Books knows exactly where to find the most joy in the garden, but something tells me the joy follows her wherever she may go. Gno doubt the garden, and my life, is a more magical place with her in it.
Paw Prints
Have you ever met somegnome with a huge beautiful heart who sees the value in everygnome around her yet gneeds to be reminded of the beauty she has inside? There has gnever been a heart bigger than this beautiful lady, though she may be surprised to know. Her heart is so big that she opens it to everygnome right away, and is full of energy, love and light. She's real and un-apologetically herself yet doesn't realize just how amazing that is. Her soul is fierce - she will fight hard for who she loves and what she believes. She has a soft spot in her heart for animals and is rescuing a set of paws at every chance she gets, even if it leaves paw prints all over her. She is quick to help the wounded but simply forgets to see just how valuable she is, and deserves to be healed herself. Gno doubt the garden is a better place because she is in it, and if there ever was a soul who deserves great things in her life, it would be she. Ask anygnome lucky enough to know her, and they will tell you that she has left her own paw prints on their hearts.
Worm Wrangler
You wouldn't know it by looking at him now, but this brave soul was once afraid of worms! You heard me. Worms. He wasn't just afraid of the slimy sly creatures, they terrified the wiggles right out of him. For a while it seemed as though all hope was lost. After all, how would a gnome get anything at all done in the garden if he was afraid of worms? Worms, of all things?! There is not a garden out there without worms! I'm not sure what happened, perhaps he would be willing to tell you the story, but one day he decided that he was not going to let his fear run his life. He puffed up his tiny body with as much courage as he could muster and went out to face his worm. Much to his surprise, it turned out that he had a wonderful talent for capturing and taming the beasts. Who would have thought that the very thing that scared him as a gnomeling would end up being his life calling? Go figure. I can't help but tip my hat at that.
Saturday, November 4, 2017
Remembering GNan
Just look at this little lady! Every ounce of her soul holds a special meaning and it's gno wonder she is so special! After all, it takes a special soul to have the role she has been granted. It's her job to not only look after the elder souls who have grown to be forgetful and can gno longer take care of themselves, but to look after their loved ones too. Her pink is for love that loved ones have for one another. Her purple is for courage to stay strong. Her blue is for the sadness they may feel in watching their loved ones slowly change. Her yellow is for hope for a cure so that others may gnot gneed to walk the same path. The silver teardrop on her face is for all the tears cried. Her butterfly is for all those magical moments which can be as simple as a smile or a big as a comforting hug. And finally, her heart of gold because it takes a big heart to handle all of that with grace and with love. So with such a great responsibility, this lady flutters from loved one to loved one, collecting all the tears they have cried and whispering tiny reminders that they are strong and and they are loved, even if it's difficult to remember at times. With every tear collected, a memory is restored. Take my GNan, for example... She was such an independent lady and always put her family above all else. She put the magic into the Christmas season with treating every single loved one to a special meal and thoughtful gift. Gno doubt it took all year to save up for each holiday memory, but the results were magic. Gnan had 3 children of her own, 7 grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren and somehow she still managed to gnever forgot a birthday! The garden was a more magical place with GNan in it, and her memory, along with the memory of others with a similar fate, are captured by this fluttering soul. And because of that, our loved ones are gnever forgotten. We can think back on them with a great big smile and a warm feeling in our hearts.
Wednesday, November 1, 2017
Warms the Soul
When the season turns frigid like it is sure to do every year, there are certain things that are easy to remember. It's easy to remember to wear your warm winter boots because if you don't, your toes will go gnumb. It's easy to remember to eat warm bowls of soup because it fills your tummy with good feelings. It's easy to remember to appreciate the sparkling diamonds in the freshly fallen snow when you're sitting inside gnext to a warm crackling fire. If there is one thing that is gnot easy to remember, it's telling your friends how much you appreciate them. And with that, let me take a moment to tell you what you surely don't hear often enough. Your friendship warms the soul and I'm so thankful for it.
All the Small Things
If there is one thing everygnome understands, it's that the physics of karma work like this: small acts of kindness lead to great rewards. Don't ask me to explain how, but if you just take a moment to watch this little lady, it won't be long before it all makes sense. It seems that everywhere she turns, she is coming up with new ways to bring a smile to somegnome's face. And by the way she helps those who are less fortunate, it's obvious that this little gnomette is rich on life. She just radiates happiness and I can't help but believe that it must be contagious. Those whose lives she has touched know that they were blessed by her kindness. As for me, I know she makes the garden all the more vibrant. Thank you, little lady. Thank you for all the small things you do.
Roots of Friendship
Some friendships are instant. One might find it easy to get lost among the herds of banana slugs or feel insignificant surrounded by a majestic redwood forest. A gnome can get easily lose track of time when the fog rolls in and makes everything misty and magical, but when you meet a kindred spirit among the chaos, even on the first day, you just know you've found a life-long friend. Friendships like that last a life time - even many seasons later when two souls part ways and tend to their own gardens, they each know that the other is there for them. When they have the opportunity to catch up, it's as though gno time has passed. That's the way it is when the roots of a friendship go deep. It takes a special soul to establish such a connection. She has to be wonderful, kind and such a thoughtful friend who would be there for her loved ones gno matter what. She gneeds to know what's important in life - gnature, capturing memories, spending time with loved ones, and of course that magic truly does exist. Well if that's what it takes then it's gno wonder that this soul fits the part. She has a heart of gold and it is so big. I just love her.
Monday, October 30, 2017
Warms the Heart
If there is one thing all the gnomes in the garden have in common, it's that they all love to feel warm and fuzzy on the inside. What better season to do so than winter? The winter season gives the gnomes lots of excuses to find things to keep them cozy. Hot coffee, a good book, a gnice chenille blanket all cuddled up on the couch with loved ones... these are all things that help make a gnome feel warm and loved. Soup, apple crumble and other stodgey foods fill the garden with yummy scents that force a smile onto a gnome's face, let alone keeps their tummies toasty. Even the simple things like a good gnap or fuzzy slippers play a part in keeping warm when the weather is so cold. Most of all, it's a cup of hot cocoa (and whipped cream of course) or coffee with a good friend like you that warms the heart on a cold winter day.
Guardian Angel
I’m sure there have been moments in your life where you have felt challenged beyond your control. Sometimes it may seem that your little body is not strong enough to handle the tough tasks it has been given. That’s where this little gnomette comes in. This tiny little guardian has a very big job! And she loves every moment of it! She flutters around looking for just the right person to help, somegnome who needs a word or two of encouragement. The gnomette has now found a beautiful soul in need of her tiny positive thoughts and she doesn’t hesitate to get to work quickly. She whispers so lightly in her new friend’s ear that she is barely audible, but she knows that’s all it takes for a reminder of the spark for life that still grows strong inside. With these tiny little whisperings of love and hope we are reminded that we are stronger than our bodies may seem. Life is good. Life is beautiful, and with this little lady by your side, that’s an easy thing to remember.
Jingle Bells
Gnognome celebrates the holiday season as well as those in the gnome community. Their celebrations may be itty bitty by most standards, but gnomes understand that it's not the size of the decorations that matters the most, it's the size of the cheer! They know that as long as they are warm and cozy (a good snuggle or hot thimble of cocoa often helps), then everything else falls into place! The mistletoe and holly decorate the garden, but it's being with loved ones that really fills each gnome with a warm and fuzzy feeling. And you know they LOVE warm and fuzzy! The moment that everygnome looks forward to with the most anticipation is midnight, when each and every gnome carries his bell to join in the annual performance of Jingle Bells! It's such a glorious sound (not to mention a wondrous sight), I can't imagine a better way to bring in the holiday cheer.
Jingle Bells
Gnognome celebrates the holiday season as well as those in the gnome community. Their celebrations may be itty bitty by most standards, but gnomes understand that it's not the size of the decorations that matters the most, it's the size of the cheer! They know that as long as they are warm and cozy (a good snuggle or hot thimble of cocoa often helps), then everything else falls into place! The mistletoe and holly decorate the garden, but it's being with loved ones that really fills each gnome with a warm and fuzzy feeling. And you know they LOVE warm and fuzzy! The moment that everygnome looks forward to with the most anticipation is midnight, when each and every gnome carries his bell to join in the annual performance of Jingle Bells! It's such a glorious sound (not to mention a wondrous sight), I can't imagine a better way to bring in the holiday cheer.
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
The Magic of Pretty
The Gnomish community is always excited to include all their favorite things in everything they do, and of course gnomes just adore pretty things! That being said, it should come as gno surprise that the Gnomish Community has high standards for what it takes to be given the title of "pretty." They understand that being pretty takes more than just fluttering about with a friendly smile or an eye-candy appearance, though those things are fun too. If one truly deserves the title of being pretty, then they must truly make the garden around us a better place. When unexpected sad events happen, a pretty soul will combat the evil with acts of goodness as a reminder that love is more powerful than hate. And that's where the magic of being pretty lies - in order to be a truly beautiful soul, one must be pretty both inside and out. One must radiate love.
Soulful Delights
This little lady delights my soul. She is an energetic gnomette who loves to read (she is always interested in a good story), create projects (her imagination is beyond compare), dress up (I gnever know what she'll be gnext) and learn to be a chef (where she truly shines). Each holiday, she creates decorations and anything else that she thinks will bring spirit to all her loved ones. Gno one is missed, gnot even her stuffed animal friends, who can often be found with handmade outfits made of tissue, string and tape. I can’t count how many dresses she made out of Kleenex for her doll friends! I believe we may gneed to teach her to sew soon. Most of all, though, she loves loves loves to cook. She will stay in the kitchen and mix the most interesting ingredients together. She loves making breakfast for Grape Grandma and other loved ones. Last season, her oatmeal cake recipe won her a spot in the Gnomish community's cooking contest. She was so very proud of herself! And she has so many reasons to be! Gno doubt this big soul can be anything she puts her heart into, but of all the things she has told me that she will be when she grows up, being a chef has gnever left the top spot. Something tells that in the seasons to come, whenever there is a group gathered around a table for dinner, surrounded by laughter and loved ones, it will be her creations that fill their bellies and delights their souls.
Santa's Helper
Eveygnome knows that its the elves who get most of the credit for helping out good ol' St. GNick in his preparations for the Christmas season, but let's not forget to give this tiny soul a little bit of credit too. He has a very big job, even if it's one that often goes un-gnoticed. Sants often gets stressed and overwhelmed by the amount of work he has to do, all for a very strict deadline. There is gno option of slipping the date as the children of the world are gnot exactly known for their ability to understand the concept of a "workload." I wouldn't be surprised if this comes as a shock to you. Santa always seems like such a jolly old soul, but I think that is in large part because this tiny fella does his job so well. He's St. GNick's personal life coach. It's his job to cheer up the wonderfully generous man when he is down. The fact that Santa can always be seen with a smile on his face and a jolly laugh in his tummy means this tiny fella is doing his job well. Without him, Santa's entire reputation would be at stake!
Jingle Bells
Gnognome celebrates the holiday season as well as those in the gnome community. Their celebrations may be itty bitty by most standards, but gnomes understand that it's not the size of the decorations that matters the most, it's the size of the cheer! They know that as long as they are warm and cozy (a good snuggle or hot thimble of cocoa often helps), then everything else falls into place! The mistletoe and holly decorate the garden, but it's being with loved ones that really fills each gnome with a warm and fuzzy feeling. And you know they LOVE warm and fuzzy! The moment that everygnome looks forward to with the most anticipation is midnight, when each and every gnome carries his bell to join in the annual performance of Jingle Bells! It's such a glorious sound (not to mention a wondrous sight), I can't imagine a better way to bring in the holiday cheer.
Guardian Angel
I’m sure there have been moments in your life where you have felt challenged beyond your control. Sometimes it may seem that your little body is not strong enough to handle the tough tasks it has been given. That’s where this little gnomette comes in. This tiny little guardian has a very big job! And she loves every moment of it! She flutters around looking for just the right person to help, somegnome who needs a word or two of encouragement. The gnomette has now found a beautiful soul in need of her tiny positive thoughts and she doesn’t hesitate to get to work quickly. She whispers so lightly in her new friend’s ear that she is barely audible, but she knows that’s all it takes for a reminder of the spark for life that still grows strong inside. With these tiny little whisperings of love and hope we are reminded that we are stronger than our bodies may seem. Life is good. Life is beautiful, and with this little lady by your side, that’s an easy thing to remember
Wednesday, October 4, 2017
Chocolate Marshmallow
When the seasons turn throughout the year, there are certain things that are always easy to remember. When the leaves start to fall from the trees in the autumn, it's easy to remember to slowly sip a gnice cup of hot cocoa because it fills your tummy with good feelings. When the ground is covered in a white blanket of snow in the winter, it's easy to appreciate the sparkling diamonds glistening in the sunlight. When the flower buds start to pop in the spring time, it's easy to remember to appreciate the signs of gnew life that have such great potential of growth. And as the summer months get gnice and warm, there is gnothing more guaranteed to put a smile on one's face than roasting marshmallows gnext to a crackling campfire. The seasons will continue to change, and with them come many reminders to appreciate the wonderful small miracles the garden has to offer. If there is one thing that is gnot always easy to remember, though, it's telling your friends how much you appreciate them gno matter the season. And with that, my dear loved one, let me take a moment to tell you what you surely don't hear often enough. Your friendship is like the warmth from every season, wrapped into one wonderful package - a chocolate marshmallow that warms the soul and I'm so thankful for it!
Sunday, September 24, 2017
Three. It's a magical number. Together we can accomplish anything we put our hearts to. Without a doubt, that much power requires a lot of care to keep our hearts as happy and healthy as possible. One beautiful soul may gnever have thought being in shape could happen, but add a little music to her life and she can't help but dance herself into shape! It doesn't feel like exercise if she's having so much fun! And gnow, look at her! She feels like a hot gnomette gnow... and she really likes that feeling! Another fella knows that the gnumber one reason why an aging gnome gneeds to go into an eldergnome home is their inability to get off the darn toad stool! One gneeds to be able to do at least one squat to get off that pot! If there ever was a motivation to run and then run some more, that would be it! Having the stamina to continue doing the things he likes is just a bonus. And finally, the lady who is usually so focused on taking care of everygnome else, she gneglects her own self. She does like feeling healthy and peaceful... she has discovered the power of GNamaste. And she's more than happy to share it with those she holds most dear. Together, the three of us will continue to be present, be intentional, love and encourage each other so that together we may enjoy the many adventures life has in store.
The following poem has been printed on the side of the blocks holding the gnomes...
Brian F. Malarski
We sit hand in hand in hand
Time slips past our happy eyes
Three hearts beating in sync
Time has shown this love endures,
Each day we set the table for three
Time well spent with each other
Three hearts beating in sync
Time has shown this love endures,
Every night we lay side by side by side
Time lets our souls rest
Three hearts beating in sync
Time has shown this love endures
The following poem has been printed on the side of the blocks holding the gnomes...
Brian F. Malarski
We sit hand in hand in hand
Time slips past our happy eyes
Three hearts beating in sync
Time has shown this love endures,
Each day we set the table for three
Time well spent with each other
Three hearts beating in sync
Time has shown this love endures,
Every night we lay side by side by side
Time lets our souls rest
Three hearts beating in sync
Time has shown this love endures
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
Paw Prints
Have you ever met somegnome with a huge beautiful heart who sees the value in everygnome around her yet gneeds to be reminded of the beauty she has inside? There has gnever been a heart bigger than this beautiful lady, though she may be surprised to know. Her heart is so big that she opens it to everygnome right away, and is full of energy, love and light. She's real and un-apologetically herself yet doesn't realize just how amazing that is. Her soul is fierce - she will fight hard for who she loves and what she believes. She has a soft spot in her heart for animals and is rescuing a set of paws at every chance she gets, even if it leaves paw prints all over her. She is quick to help the wounded but simply forgets to see just how valuable she is, and deserves to be healed herself. Gno doubt the garden is a better place because she is in it, and if there ever was a soul who deserves great things in her life, it would be she. Ask anygnome lucky enough to know her, and they will tell you that she has left her own paw prints on their hearts.
Friday, August 11, 2017
Ellie's Buddy the Tigerwing (age 10)
Once upon a fairy tale there lived a Tigerwing. He loved to play in the grass all day long. He would leap around and roll down the hill, laughing the entire time. I'm sure it would have been a lot of fun to watch! He loved to play in the grass so much and for so long that after every day he would go to sleep, exhausted. Then he would sleep for a whole day before starting all over again! The Tigerwing had a lot of friends who would occasionally laugh and play with him. He had so many friends, and he loved them all, but his favorite friend was a little girl named Ellie. She also loved rolling and playing in the grass. They were like the perfect pair. Or, in his words, the perfect wings. Get it? Ha ha ha!
Though generally I enjoy writing the story in such a way that it really describes the recipient receiving my creation, this time I was curious to hear what my daughter would say his story would be. With only minor changes, I kept her ideas.
Though generally I enjoy writing the story in such a way that it really describes the recipient receiving my creation, this time I was curious to hear what my daughter would say his story would be. With only minor changes, I kept her ideas.
Tiny Spark
Some may say he's the feeling of electricity running from head to toe. Others may mistaken him for butterflies fluttering around the tummy. Whatever you may call him, make gno mistake there is more to this tiny spark than meets the eye! Gnot every soul is lucky enough to have him touch their lives, and that's what makes him so special. Ask around and you'll agree that he's a rare find, indeed! If he does unexpectedly stumble upon your path... which is how it often happens - unexpectedly... I would advise you to welcome him and enjoy his presence for as long as he's willing to stay. You may gnot understand why he chose you to share his magic with, gnor may you understand how his magic works, but there is gno gneed. Just take a deep breath... or two... or three... and accept that he chose you to share his connection with. This tiny spark just loves to play games and prides himself in the element of surprise, pushing and encouraging gnew limits. Chances are, the greater your reactions, the longer he'll choose to stay and play. "I love you." What was that? "I love you" What did you say? "I Love you." Say it one more time? "I LOVE YOU!" Breathe... such a connection is a powerful and rare thing. Cherish every moment!
Monday, August 7, 2017
Addie's Bob (age 7)
Hello I am Bob, and all that and all that. Blah blah blah. But who cares? This is about my story, not just about me. As you can tell, I'm an alien. Or am I a monster? I suppose that's up to you to decide. As you're thinking about it, I'll continue with my story. I'm a monster and I lived with all my other fellow monsters, all of which were very hairy. But I think I am the cleanest of the bunch! I always brush my teeth, comb my furry body and wash my hands. In spite of this, I was lonely even with all my sisters and brothers around me - 1,592 in total! So I set of into the forest to start looking for friends. I was thinking of names along the way. Maybe Violet? Or perhaps Fluffy? As I was thinking, I got so distracted that I accidentally bumped into a few rocks and trees. Ouch! After that, I started focusing and set off in a direction that a bunny suggested I take... Left to be exact. I kept on going straight, looking at my feet while I walked, one step in front of another. Then I saw a huge set of footprints and I followed them. Eventually, I bumped into a big leg! The big creature turned around and said, "Hello, I am Addie. Will you please be my friend?" Of course, you know my answer... Yes! You may say that Addie is a cute child with huge eyes, but I say she's the biggest monster of all! We're going to have quite the adventure together!
Though generally I enjoy writing the story in such a way that it really describes the recipient receiving my creation, this time I was curious to hear what my daughter would say his story would be. With only minor changes, I kept her ideas.
This is what Bob looked like before I made him fuzzy.

Though generally I enjoy writing the story in such a way that it really describes the recipient receiving my creation, this time I was curious to hear what my daughter would say his story would be. With only minor changes, I kept her ideas.
This is what Bob looked like before I made him fuzzy.
Sunday, August 6, 2017
Ellie's Half-Cater (age 10)
The half-cater started out as just an ordinary monster. He was a kind and funny monster who loved to laugh about silly things like chickens. He especially loved cats. However, deep down he was lonely and he wanted a best friend. One day he meet a fairy out in the woods. The fairy had lost her wand and she couldn't find it anywhere! Even though the half-cater had only one eye, he was very good at searching for things. He found her wand in an instant! The fairy was so impressed that she granted him one wish. With such a tough decision, he had to think about it at first. He wanted a cat but he was not sure if his fellow monsters would approve. After giving it some thought, the next day he had made up his mind. He was going to ask the fairy to transform him into a monster-cat. He thought this was a good idea because cats ALWAYS find friends. And he was right! The next day he was wondering in the woods thinking about the friend we was sure to find, when he found a giant named Ellie. He thought they would be best friends so he asked her if she would be his friend. Of course, she said yes! She, too, loved to laugh at chickens! Besides, how can one say "no" to someone as cute as he? And they have been together ever since.

Though generally I enjoy writing the story in such a way that it really describes the recipient receiving my creation, this time I was curious to hear what my daughter would say his story would be. With only minor changes, I kept her ideas

Though generally I enjoy writing the story in such a way that it really describes the recipient receiving my creation, this time I was curious to hear what my daughter would say his story would be. With only minor changes, I kept her ideas
Saturday, August 5, 2017
The King
Meet the King... well... **MY** King. Spend even one moment with him and it is easy to understand why he is so loved and adored by those who are lucky enough to have him in their lives. He's the only honest soul I have ever met. He lives his life on his own terms and encourages those he meets to live theirs as well. With his words of encouragement, he makes this life philosophy seem so easy and any limitations seem to melt away. There are so many reasons to love him, whether that be his brilliant smile, the way his eyes twinkle when he laughs his contagious laugh, or his love for life, but I fell in love with him because I became a better person after I met him. We will be together until the end! By adopting the principles he and his loved ones base their lives on, there is no doubt that the world around me is a better and more joyful place. So together, my King and I, his Queen, will rule this dream we are creating. And it's a good one!
Wind Master
The gnight is still. The lake is calm. The forest is quiet. All is silent. Then your eyes connect with his and it begins. At first it is hardly gnoticeable. A slight whisper of a breath, barely audible in the silence. With it comes a light breeze, a subtle interruption to the warmth in the air around you. He slowly breathes in. The breeze blows to the left. Just as slowly, he breathes out. The breeze changes direction to the right. Another breath or two and he moves slowly to close the gap between you, and without a touch, he breathes a bit deeper. The wind grows just a bit stronger. He inhales and you find yourself swaying this way, only to sway that way as he exhales, in sync with the wind. Every breath gets deeper and the wind gets stronger, yet the eye contact remains fixed and the connection remains without a touch. Gno longer calm, his breath is gnow tenacious, and following suit, the wind is mighty. You close your eyes and for a moment you think the wind might be strong enough to lift you off your feet and carry you away, if only you were to relax and let it. Just as you're sure your feet are about to lose contact with the ground, the breathing relaxes, and with it, the wind starts to subside. As quickly as it all began, the moment is gone and the air is calm once more, leaving you wondering if it was all just your imagination. If it weren't for the silent tears you wipe from your face, there would be gno evidence of the powerful magic that you just witnessed. To a gnovice, it may seem like he was controlling the wind, but with a slight smile and a twinkle in his eye, he wipes his own tears and corrects you... "Gno, gnot controlling the wind... joining it."
Monday, July 24, 2017
Fairy Sparkles
It's well known that every gnome in the garden specializes in a specific trade. How else would you explain the variety in magic you see in the garden around you? Whether it be painting rainbows across the sky, or placing dew drops on the morning leaves, we owe it all to the fuzzy souls and their creativity. This little lady, known by her loved ones as Fairy Sparkles, has been searching far and wide, across the garden, for inspiration to learn her trade. After searching for what seemed to her to be a long long time (she's quite excited to get started), she has finally found the perfect match! She wants to become a fairy door maker! With a hop and a giggle, she flutters to her new home. You may wonder why she has picked such a niche style of magic, but the way she sees it there is nothing better than building a door way between the world of magic and the world of children. Whether a child is in need of help conquering a fear, or a safe place to put things, every child can use a bit of magic in their rooms. Fairy Sparkles absolutely loves hearing the stories about why someone wants a door, but even better is the knowledge that the door has helped a little one so much. The idea of creating a special door that will only work for a child just as special, and the thought of seeing them happy in their homes must make everything worthwhile! Children may eventually grow far too old for fairy doors and fairies, but if you ask me, a home filled with love will always have a place for a fairy door or two, or eight! And besides, there's a lot of magic between now and adulthood. There's so much work to be done! She's so excited to become an apprentice door maker that she can hardly contain her sparkles. It seems they're getting onto everything! When can she start?
Saturday, July 22, 2017
My Garden
Oh. My. Gnomes. Just look at these two lovely ladies! Even though they were planted in the same corner of the garden, spend even just one moment with them and it's easy to see just how different they both are. While one seems plain like a daisy, the other is a little miss priss like a rose. The first adapts well to change, while the latter does not. Daisies are easy to grow and always seem so light-hearted and care-free. Roses may not be easy, but when they do grow they are as beautiful as can be! If you ask me, it all a bit funny but all in a wonderful way! They are the same in that they each know the other is the one gnome in the entire garden they can count on 100%. No two flowers could be any different, yet no two flowers could be any closer. Together they grew, each receiving the type of love and attention they needed to blossom into their own, and together they make the garden a better place, each in their own way. My garden is complete, and I would have it no other way.
Coloring contest entry by Heather
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