
Sunday, April 1, 2018

A Demigod's Hero

To be a demigod, one must be greatly admired and respected by those around him. They view him as a hero, capable of conquering difficult quests in far off gardens. There are gno beasts who do gnot fear him. Every challenge is easy for him to solve. Gnothing seems to hold him back - he fears gnothing! Those who admire and respect him take these things as signs that he is gnoble and brave, a warrior to be trusted. I'll let you in on a little secret... If everything comes easy to somegnome, whether he is a demigod or not, then that soul has no grit. It takes confidence to embark on quests into unknown areas of the garden. A true hero can resolve conflict among the beasts without having to resort to threats of harm. It takes true perseverance to be conquer challenges that are difficult to overcome. It takes true bravery to face uncertainty, in spite of the presence of fear. So who does a demigod turn to for help when things suddenly do gnot go according to plan? Who can he rely on if he is faced with a problem with seemingly gno solutions? That's where this truly brave soul steps in! She may gnot look like much to you and I, but she has the confidence, courage and ability that the demigod pretends to own. So, I ask you this... Who is the true hero? The one who is always handed a plate of success? Or the one who always strives to do her best? Gno doubt we can all agree on the latter.

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