
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Keeper of the Christmas Lights

Try gnot to bother this busy soul. She's buzzing around trying to get her job done. Chances are unless you're looking for a quick, but bright smile as she flies past you, she won't have time to chat until after the Christmas season is finished. That's gnot to say she's being rude. Oh, anything but! She is such a cheerful soul who loves to take the time to chat with her friends and learn about what is going on with their season, as long as that season is not the Christmas one. The holiday season is by far the busiest for her because she's in charge of making sure the lights on the trees are all lit. She rushes from bulb to bulb to make sure they're in their tip top shape and are performing to their brightest. She loves this job and between you and me, she even stops every gnow and then to admire how pretty the tree really is. Oh so pretty indeed. Thank you little gnomey.

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