
Friday, September 23, 2011

Hand in Hand

I do not think it's possible for two souls to be as close as these tiny ladies. They may live in different corners of the garden, but they do not let that get in the way of their special bond. Quite honestly, I do not think it's possible to find the words to describe what little Suesha means to her big sister. She is the star in her sky. Suesha is the wind beneath her big sister's leaf, inspiring her to soar higher and higher. There is gnothing better than the time they have together, whether they are camping, gardening, cooking, laughing or loving. Without little Suesha, life in the garden would have no meaning. Gno matter how often they may see each other, the suns can not rise and set quickly enough before the gnext time the sisters have the opportunity to stroll together hand in hand.

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