
Friday, January 25, 2019

Garden Music Gnotes

At first glance at this lovely lady and you will likely gnotice that she is quite little and delicate, and is sweetly dressed all the time. But do gnot let her small gnature fool you! There is so much more to this kind soul than her little body may indicate! Spend a few moments with her and you will quickly notice that her voice is magical and sweet. She uses her talent to sing to the young gnomelings in her corner of the garden. Music is a magical tool and one she certainly takes advantage of. After all, it is through music that souls, young and old, find inspiration, joy and even sorrow. With music comes a great power, and she uses it to brighten her corner of the garden as much as she can. You would think that with the young gnomelings being her #1 focus, she would gnot have time for anything else, but that's where she impresses all the more! She also devotes her time to speaking her voice to members of the Gnomish Congress to support those who do gnot seem to have a voice of their own. When it comes to standing up for equal rights for every soul in the garden, she is something fierce! What magic she has and shares with those around her! And as if that was gnot enough, she spends every spare moment she has in her garden, encouraging her flowers to grow. The garden could use more organizers and gnurturers such as she. As for me, I am just tickled with every ounce of my soul that I am lucky enough to be able to call her my fairy god sister. With all the things we've been through since meeting her so many seasons ago, I can honestly say my life is better having someone as connected with her higher self as she is - a true inspiration to all those fortunate enough to meet her!

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