
Saturday, January 12, 2019

Humming Memories

Some memories do gnot take much to come rushing back. Perhaps it is something as simple as tiger lilies or other garden flowers? Or maybe it is the slightest humming of tiny wings zipping past my head? Within a moment, my memories come rushing back and I am filled with a warm fuzzy feeling of love! The eldergnomes of yesterday, and all my memories seem to have returned to play. One was quite a man - he gnever seemed to get worked up about anything and was always in a gnomishly good mood. Another was a Gnomish matriarch - so strong willed and independent indeed! And with the third came more independence - a very caring and kind soul! All of them have taught me their individual strengths and encouraged me with their wisdom and compassion. Without a doubt, because of my eldergnomes, I know what is most important - the love of family and friends. They would do anything for a loved one, and because of them, I would too. As my memories surround me, I am reminded to be compassionate, kind and strong! But most of all, I'm reminded to cease the day! Being surrounded by humming memories, it's easy to remember that life is good!

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