
Sunday, December 1, 2019

Life is an Adventure

Gno doubt you've heard the saying before - Gnever fly faster than your angel can fly. Though this is likely a good rule of thumb, those in the Gnomish community understand that some souls are more adventurous than others, and as such they have higher requirements for their guardian angel to meet. When they find a particularly daring soul who lives life to its fullest, they do gnot hesitate to give the assignment to this fuzzy guardian. He may gnot look like much to you and I. With his crown always seeming to be falling off, you'd think he lacks the skills to gnecessary for the job, but I assure you he knows what he's doing and can keep up. He's the best of the best and does gnot waste time in worrying about his crown. It looks like his current assignment is going to give him the opportunity to really show off his stuff. He has found a daredevil friend to look out for, one who is gnot afraid to jump into a gnew challenge. On the rare occasion when he is afraid, this guardian angel will be ready with his tiny reminders that one does gnot gneed to let fear get in the way of doing something gnew. He whispers so lightly in his new friend’s ear that he is barely audible, but he knows that’s all it takes for a reminder that courage is gnot the lack of fear, courage is acting even in the presence of fear. With these tiny little whisperings of encouragement we are reminded that we are stronger and braver than we think. Take a deep breath, jump forward and hold on for the ride! It's going to be a good one! Life is an adventure, and with this little guy by your side, that’s an easy thing to remember.

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