
Thursday, November 29, 2018

Friend of the Ladybugs

Like many, this fuzzy little guy is most definitely a ladybug lover, but everygnome knows that ladybugs are particularly choosy when it comes to picking their friends. They only surround themselves with the kindest of souls because it's those who understand how best to appreciate how good life is. So it comes as gno surprise to me that the ladybugs have decided that this fuzzy soul is worth a lot of attention. I do gnot believe there could be anygnome with a bigger heart than he and every ounce of his body is filled with laughter waiting for an excuse to burst out! He adores the ladybugs as much as they do him and so when he thought of a way to do something gnice for them, he couldn't help but hop with excitement to do it! He rushes to find a perfect leaf for his little friends. With such a generous soul as he, it does gnot surprise me in the least that the ladybugs have decided he is special. The garden is certainly lucky to have him in it and I can gnot wait to see what kind act he has in store for us gnext!

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