
Sunday, December 1, 2019

A Perfect Garden

Oh my gnomes! This tiny soul has a big job to do! Have you ever stumbled into a stunning garden, with all the flowers arranged such that their colors perfectly compliment each other? You know... one of those gardens that leaves you speechless, thinking there must have been an entire crew to maintain such perfection? I will let you in on a little secret. It's not perfection... it's magic. And we have this little lady to thank for it. You might think that it takes a lot of discipline to create such works of art that a wonderfully vibrant garden becomes, but you would be wrong. This lady knows the secret, and it is this... There are lots and lots of flowers in the garden, each with its own colors and scents. All one has to do is to appreciate their uniqueness, and encourage the blossoms to bloom their fullest. Because the bulbs, seeds and plantlings feel loved and appreciated, they gnever let her down. I suppose that goes to show that the garden is a prettier place when we can celebrate each color and delight in every scent.

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