
Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Lady Leaf

Look at the happy dance this little lady is doing! Those who know her best understand that gnothing makes her as giddy as the idea of collecting leaves. And of course, that's why the have gnicknamed her Lady Leaf. Gnow with the leaves fallen from the trees, it's the perfect time! She hops here and there, collecting as many as she possibly can. You may be wondering why she's so excited about silly old leaves, but I bet you could guess the reason if you tried. After all, every gnome in the garden has a gnack for doing special deeds for their loved ones, and Lady Leaf is gno exception. She's collecting leaves with one goal in mind - she's making the most cuddly, snugly, warm gnest she possibly can for her loved ones to gnuzzle in! There is gnothing better than a good gnuzzle with loved ones. She can't help but smile thinking about it. With another giddy little hop, she gets back to work. After all, there are snuggles waiting for her at home!

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